Where is my voucher?

For every booking you make with Kooble, we will automatically send you a confirmation email with the details of your booking/purchase.

Sometimes, Kooble messages can be filtered into your spam or junk folders by mistake. You can prevent this by marking messages from Kooble as a safe sender with your email provider. You can usually find information about this on your email account.

If you require another copy of your booking confirmation or voucher purchase, please log into your Kooble account where you can resend a copy of your confirmation. This information can be found in your booking history.

If you have not yet registered your email address for your account. You can do so at the link below:


Should you lose/misplace or enter the wrong email for your Kooble purchase or confirmation and require a new one, please contact customer care via the link below, and we’ll resend this to you.
